Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Hello World

More than 4 years i don't have blog and not wrote something useful for public. Usually i wrote all my thoughts, feelings, how to and other technical things or experiences.

Ok... I admit, i just feel not confidence enough to write something. That funny, because in fact i work as teacher. I knew, teacher must have good self confidence, love to write, teach and share. I do love teaching and sharing all my knowledge. But when i must write something on internet and share it for public, my brain stop working. If you asked me why? Well... I don't know but that what i feel.

Usually i wrote all that on evernote or Day One app. I love writing, even i had promised to my mom, i will write a lot of story for her. Story about Mongolia, the lovely place i live now. Oh yeah, since i live alone in here, of course i have a lot of stories to tell. Most of them is very interesting and new for me. This is my biggest adventure, yet.  ;)

"Run toward your fears..."

Simple word but has a lot of meaning and so powerful. That word hit me so hard. Like or dislike, agree or disagree, i must do that. Run toward my fears. I fear writing my thought, sharing knowledge and experiences, etc. But today i promised to myself, will start migrate (from evernote and day one app) all my thoughts, knowledge and experience on this blog!

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